Q - Can I cancel my order?

Orders are processed immediately after the order has been placed, therefore as soon as your payment is accepted and order is confirmed, there is only a very small window of time where we can “catch” your order before it is physically picked, packed and shipped out.

NO changes can be made to your order once it is placed. You can try to catch us before the order is sent out by emailing ASAP to: We can see if it is possible to have your order cancelled.

Q - What is your return policy?

Unfortunately items cannot be refunded.

If you received a damaged item that is sold by Proprlifestyle, and need to replace it with the same or equivalent item, please email to request a replacement

Exchanges (if applicable)
We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at and send your item to:

Propr Inc 

458 Ossington Avenue, Toronto, M6G 3T2, Ontario, Canada